Cinema Film Marketing Projects

One of My Latest Social Media Campaigns: The Launch of the “Film Tv” Magazine New Format

Developing social media campaigns for films is always exciting for me, and my involvement with Giancarlo Soldi’s documentary Cercando Valentina – Il mondo di Guido Crepax, which I recently wrote about, was far from being a rare event in my collaboration with Roberto Braga within an industry we both deeply care about. In this post I wanted to briefly touch upon another project in this area of service: the campaign for the launch of the new format of leading Italian magazine Film Tv.


While the effects of the COVID-19 were beginning to be felt in Italy, impacting the planned distribution of films, in March we were involved in a promotional campaign for “Film Tv”. It is the only weekly periodical dedicated to cinema and television in my country that has recently started covering in detail the main streaming platforms’ offer.

Being a respected source on everything audio visual from a film critic and cinephile point of view, “Film Tv”’s usual tone is informative and authoritative. For the digital channels of the magazine on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, which we managed alongside their regular social media team, Roberto and I developed a communication focused on a pop tone of voice, using GIFs and photogalleries dedicated to the main streamers. We created content marked by irony and based on the commonplaces inspired by the lockdown, connecting the images to iconic scenes and characters of films and TV series, and providing stats related to the increased media consumption due to the lockdown, told through a satiric spin.

Movies that will see us involved in similar activities in the coming months are currently on stand-by or in the process of redefining their release strategy, since producers and distributors are following the recommendations of the Italian Government while trying to figure out the best way to reach their audiences. As soon as we have the green light to resume the promotion you will find the updates of the next campaigns here. In the meantime, stay safe and keep up loving cinema!